Dahlia Gypsy Farms

Branding | Logo Identity and Website
Dahlia Gypsy Farms Project cover

Dahlia Gypsy Farms is an aspiring homestead farm in the heart of Ohio, with a steadfast commitment to sustainable practices and a passion for gardening, plant cultivation, floral design, and dahlias. They offer a variety of services, from gardening to workshops. Dahlia Gypsy Farms specializes in Dahlia Flowers but does not shy away from other types of flowers, herbs, and natives.

The various colors in the Dahlia Gypsy Farms brand represent different natural colors of the Dahlia flowers. The high contrast of the different colors helps with readability and helps Dahlia Gypsy Farms stand out against other flower and farm brands. Dahlia Gypsy Farms helps local customers beautify their homes and attends local Farmer’s Markets to help widen their reach and educate individuals about Dahlias and other flowers & plants. When it comes to the typefaces used in the Dahlia Gypsy Farms brand, Belove Sans Bold helps keep a natural and organic look, which is the number one value that the company is founded on. Poppins and Roboto were chosen to help with readability and contrast.

Color and Type Study

Type and Color Study for Dahlia Gypsy Farms

Logo Concepts and Sketches

First Inital logo Concepts
Second Inital Logo Concepts

Primary Logo

Dahlia Gypsy Farms Final Logo

Primary Logo Alternative Color Options

Dahlia Gypsy Farms Primary Logo Version 4
Dahlia Gypsy Farms Primary Logo Version 3
Dahlia Gypsy Farms Primary Logo Version 3

Secondary Logo

Dahlia Gypsy Farms Secondary Logo

Secondary Logo Alternative Color Option

Brand Identity Guidelines


Home page wireframe for Dahlia Gypsy Farms
Services page wirframe for Dahlia Gypsy Farms
Events page wirframe for Dahlia Gypsy Farms


Dahlia Gypsy Farms Website Mockup

Visit the live website at dahliagypsyfarms.com*

*This Website is not owned by me, so the original design might be changed